Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Watch the Inkblots

I sat idly at my desk, annotating Watchmen while scrambling for something to say in discussion. Whenever I began to speak someone else jumped in talking about exactly what I planned to say. Eventually, I found a lull in the conversation and opened my mouth in anticipation. Suddenly, a bright light filled the room, temporarily blinding everyone in it.
A man appeared in the center of the room, immediately causing all discussion to end and my moment to talk to once again disappear. Ms. Serensky stared him down with her glare reserved for anyone who dares to interrupt AP English class. Her eye twitched angrily. His face, already with a shocked look on it, froze for a second in fright before he managed to regain his composure. Whispers filled the classroom.
“Looks just like Rorschach!”
 “No, it couldn’t. He-”
“Senior prank?”
“Surely a joke.”
“But look at the inkblots!”
My peers and I stared at him in wonder, like children visiting the zoo for the first time with their faces pressed up to the glass. Some of my fellow classmates, like Anna, stared up at him lovingly, mesmerized by his every movement. Others, myself included, watched him in shock and slight disdain wondering what horror he would unleash here. Of course others, mainly males, thought of different Watchmen characters.
“Do you think Laurie will show up?” A boy eagerly whispered to his writing partner, the inflection in his voice betraying his uncontrollable happiness at the mere thought of her.
“Pathetic girl,” Rorschach stated dismissively upon hearing the question.
“Last in Antarctica. Where did Jon send me?” he murmured quietly to himself. “Must investigate further.”
“So y-you’re really Rorschach? The Rorschach?”
“Know my name. Veidt’s minions?”
“N-no, we read Watchmen.”
Rorschach grabbed a copy of the book off someone’s desk, quickly flipping through it interestedly.
“Another comic book about Minutemen? My journal published after all perhaps. Truth revealed.”
Upon seeing the date on the board, he froze.
“Over twenty years later. Time travel –suspected Jon had such capability. Why here? Why now?”
A voice came on the loudspeaker, “Seniors, logs for community service hours were due two weeks ago. Please turn them in as soon as possible. Also, please stop pulling fire alarms. ”
“No rules? No enforcement of the law? Vermin running wild. Evil must be stopped.”
The inkblots on his face rearranged themselves into a grin.


  1. First of all, I have to praise you for your fantastic editing skills on the photo of Ms. Serensky and Rorschach—have you ever considered dropping the whole Harvard dream and going to art school (totally kidding)? The interpretation of Rorschach’s tone, diction, and reactions to the students could not have matched his persona in the book more wholly. I love the suspense and foreshadowing at the end; the cruelty of leaving readers hanging does not come near outweighing the excitement of creating our own interpretations of the masked man’s next moves.

  2. Ana,your picture has successfully made me laugh out loud legitimately. Well done. I also wish your story continued on as I wondered while reading Watchmen what the characters would do in a more contemporary setting out of the Cold War. Also, I feel like you created very realistic reactions of our class and loved your mocking PA announcement.
